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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 ONYX Pinstripe Removal Kit with Onyx \f1 - 4,000rpm Pinstripe Removal Tool w/ Safety Lever (Model# 203) and 12 Smart EraserR Pads (Model# 400E)\par Features\par 203 - Pinstripe Removal Tool\par \bullet Specialty tool developed for the removal of pinstripes, adhesives, double faced tapes and moldings with ASTRO\rquote S Smart Eraser\'ae Pads.\par \bullet Tool includes built-in regulator\par \bullet 4,000 Max. RPM\par \bullet Lightweight - reduces operator fatigue\par \bullet Spanner wrenches included for easy removal of pad\par \par 400E - Smart Eraser\'ae Pad\par \bullet 12pc Smart Eraser Pads - 4\u8243? pads made of molded rubber with 5/16\u8243? arbor\par \bullet Developed to dramatically reduce time spent on the removal of pinstripes, adhesive and double faced tape\par \bullet Fast and easy\par \bullet Molded rubber with 5/16\u8243? arbor for use with the\par \bullet Pad size: 4\u8243?\par \bullet Made in the USA\par \par \par Disc Capacity: 4"\par Max. Free Speed: 4,000rpm\par Overall Length: 7-3/4" (197mm)\par Net Weight: 1-1/4lbs./.56kg\par Air Inlet Thread NPT: 1/4"\par Air Hose I.D. Size: 3/8" (10mm)\par Avg. Air Consumption: 4cfm\par Air Pressure: 90-120psi\f0\par }